Welcome to WeeksLegacy.org!
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February 3rd, 2011 | Author: NHPTV
Welcome to WeeksLegacy.org! This site was created by a diverse group of organizations celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Weeks Act and the United Nation’s International Year of the Forest. Enacted in 1911, the Weeks Act enabled the creation of 52 national forests comprising 25 million acres spanning 26 states, including the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire and Maine. We invite you to explore the site and read up on Weeks Act history, news, multimedia, events, links and to share your comments as well. For more information about us, click here.
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- David Govatski on First Annual Stanley Russell Howe Lecture: “Environmental Legacies: Land-Clearing, Forest Use, and Conservation in Northern New England, 1820-1920”
As a steward of the woods and that green life that sustains us, whose part is as intrinsic to the earth and sky as is water and air, with green life we share our breath, I therefore salute with each breath the shade, the food, the sap, the shelter of the trees in a joyous tribute to the circle of life, to Julia Butterfly Hill, to Washington Carver, and to Weeks, and to beseech the hearts of humankind that they may awaken from fearful greed to the truth of life instead.
Please keep me in touch with the list of upcoming events.I am a life member of the Forest and Trail Ass. in Weston, MA and have hiked New Hamphire, yes, Hong Kong,and many other ranges.
Thank you to all organizations for organizing the celebration of the Weeks legacy, and to all of us who passionately care about the mountains.