Archive for the ‘History’ Category
The Weeks Act: The Needed Legislation for National Forests in the East
May 10th, 2011 | Author: Brian
A hundred years ago, the White Mountain region was a different sight. Hundreds of photographs and articles depict a region of mountain sides stripped of trees from what was once virgin forest, streams choked with silt from eroding hillsides, and ash from forest fires falling on nearby towns. Click to read!
Recent Comments
- David Govatski on First Annual Stanley Russell Howe Lecture: “Environmental Legacies: Land-Clearing, Forest Use, and Conservation in Northern New England, 1820-1920″
- Randall Bennett on First Annual Stanley Russell Howe Lecture: “Environmental Legacies: Land-Clearing, Forest Use, and Conservation in Northern New England, 1820-1920″
- L Kenerson on 1936 Weeks Act Commemorative WMNF Map
- Raynold Jackson on “The Early Pathmakers”
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