The Stories Behind the Stories
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August 28, 2011 |
The Stories Behind the Stories Gorham Auditorium, August 27th, 11:30
Sally Manikian and Barbara Tetreault, two local authors whose essays are part of the anthology “Beyond the Notches: Stories of Place in New Hampshire's North Country,” will talk about their essays — why they chose their topics, how they did their research, and what they have learned through the proess. Barbara, a longtime reporter for the Berlin Daily Sun, will discuss her essay on “Three Grand Schemes” — the tensions between economic development and preserving natural resources in the region, and Sally Manikian, Back Country Resource Conservation Manager for the Appalachian Mountain Club and a freelance writer, will talk about her essay on “The Two Randolphs” about how different Randolphians describe their community.
online essay writer
essay writer
This program is part of the White Mountains Cultural Festival: Eight Days of Weeks. For more information about the festival and the weekend's events visit
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