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August 28, 2011 |
White Mountains Cultural Festival: Eight Days of Weeks
Great North Woods
August 27-28 Gorham Common and Auditorium
Family hike with the White Mountain National Forest:
Albany Mountain, Albany Towmship, Maine:. Meet at 10 am at the Albany Mountain trailhead off the Crocker Pond Road in Albany Township Maine. It is approximately 1.5 miles to the rocky summit of Albany Mountain, which has beautiful views. The trail is suitable for families with children. Hikers do have to cross a beaver dam where a pond has flooded the trail.
Guide: Lesley Rowse is District Biologist for Androscoggin Ranger District on the White Mountain National Forest. Lesley will talk about wildlife management on the White Mountain National Forest and enjoy the scenery with fellow hikers.
Directions: From Bethel, Maine, take Route 5 south past Songo Pond and turn right on Patte Brook Road at the sign indicating National Forest camping. Follow signs to Crocker Pond campground. Parking for the trailhead is 1/2 mile before campground on right.
For more information on the festival and the events for the weekend visit
- David Govatski on First Annual Stanley Russell Howe Lecture: “Environmental Legacies: Land-Clearing, Forest Use, and Conservation in Northern New England, 1820-1920”
- Randall Bennett on First Annual Stanley Russell Howe Lecture: “Environmental Legacies: Land-Clearing, Forest Use, and Conservation in Northern New England, 1820-1920”
- L Kenerson on 1936 Weeks Act Commemorative WMNF Map
- Raynold Jackson on “The Early Pathmakers"
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