Asheville Adventure of the Week: Spring Forest Festival
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What: Bent Creek Spring Forest Festival.
When: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday.
Where: Bent Creek Experimental Forest administration campus, 1577 Brevard Road.
Details: The U.S. Forest Service is celebrating its birthday, and everyone is invited.
“The festival is a great opportunity to learn about Bent Creek and what we do here, and the Forest Service, and the Southern Research Station,” said Julia Murphy, festival organizer, “and to celebrate the establishment of the national forests in the East with the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Weeks Act.”
The federal Weeks Act established the first national forest in the Eastern U.S.
The first — and only — celebration of its kind at Bent Creek will have more than 20 partners at the fairlike festival, which goes on rain or shine, Murphy said.
Some of the exhibitors include the National Wild Turkey Federation, which will have a youth BB range, the Blue Ridge Parkway with an “invasive species game” for kids, Trout Unlimited with fly-fishing demonstrations, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission with a live fish aquarium, and Smokey Bear.
The film “Magic at the Cradle” will be shown, and a Cub Scout pack will sell lunch and snack items.
“The festival is free, it’s family-oriented and has something for everyone, and all ages,” Murphy said.
Information: Contact Julia Murphy at 667-5261, ext. 104, or [email protected] or visit
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