Promote Your Business During Weeks Centennial!
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Weeks Tokens Encourage Creative Offerings
The White Mountain National Forest and the Arts Alliance of Northern New Hampshire are offering a promotional program for businesses of all kinds as part of the Weeks Centennial Celebration festival events (the July 29 Weeks Act Centennial Festival at the Mt. Washington Auto Road and “Eight Days of Weeks,” the White Mountains Cultural Festival on the eight weekend days of August, in locations from Plymouth to Berlin). During the festivals thousands of wooden tokens will be distributed for use at participating businesses throughout the region. You can determine the value of the token for your business. It could be, “Buy one, get one at half price,” or a package or percentage discount: you decide! To participate, read the Promotion Information and sign up online, or download a form (MS Word | PDF). You can also choose to get creative — with Weeks drink designs, food and menu offerings, stay packages, etc. How about the JW Weeks Wrap or the Weeks Act Weekend package? Need more help with ideas? Call us or visit to learn more about John Wingate Weeks and the Weeks Act. To learn more contact Weeks Festival coordinator Deb Cottrell at the Arts Alliance of Northern New Hampshire, , or call 603-323-7302 or 323-5030.
- David Govatski on First Annual Stanley Russell Howe Lecture: “Environmental Legacies: Land-Clearing, Forest Use, and Conservation in Northern New England, 1820-1920”
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